Thanksgiving Dinner

Last week, in true American form I stuffed myself silly with traditional Thanksgiving fare. This was our first time hosting Thanksgiving at our new home, and while things were a bit cramped (we had to set up the table in the living room), dinner was delicious. Gary prepared the turkey, sweet potatoes, and green beans, my brother brought garlic mashed potatoes and collard greens, and I made pumpkin cream pie. My mom made her usual fresh cranberry sauce and brought an assortment of cheeses to snack on. Even though our family is more spread out than before, it was a typical Thanksgiving dinner.

I attempted Martha Stewart's pumpkin cream pie last year and while it tasted good, the filling never set! Every slice slowly oozed out of its crust and practically had to be eaten with a spoon. I was determined to try again and I'm happy to report that the pumpkin set just perfectly. I think this could be my favorite pumpkin pie!

In other news, Unique LA is less than one week away (!!!) which means lots and lots of work ahead of me. If you're planning on coming by make sure you check back again this week because I'll have a special surprise for blog readers.

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